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Batman: Arkham Night delayed until 2015

New trailer is also released hyping a Batmobile battle mode?

Bad news for Batfans, as the final entry in Rocksteady‘s series, Batman: Arkham Knight, is delayed until next year.

It is not all bad news, as the news was brought in the form of a new trailer, which is at the top of the page. The trailer focuses on the weaponry of the Batmobile to promote a new “Battle Mode” being shown off at E3.

GamesRadar are reporting that this is not the only mode available for Batman’s ride, with a “Pursuit Mode” for more standard driving. “Battle Mode” makes the Batmobile play more like a tank thanks to its heavy arsenal.

A potentially controversial gameplay change comes in the form of Batmobile based Riddler trophies, as GamesRadar describes them as “now underground driving tests, trading brainteasers for drift racing.”

Batman: Arkham Knight is now scheduled for release in 2015 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.



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